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Facts about drinking fruit juice.

For those who do not like to eat vegetables and fruits. Drinking fruit juice and vegetable juices may also help you replace some vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C.  However, eating whole fruits can provide more benefits. Because fruit juice has inferior nutritional value to fruit pulp

Benefits of oranges that many people may not know.

In addition to the taste that many people like. Eating oranges may also be beneficial to the body in many ways. Some notable benefits of oranges include: 1. Strengthen the immune system When talking about oranges, the first nutrient that many people think of is

Why does eating high-sodium foods risk kidney failure?

High-sodium foods one of the essential nutrients for the body. It is responsible for controlling the amount of fluid in the body to be in the appropriate amount. Helps in the functioning of the nervous system and muscles But sodium is a nutrient that is

Processed foods that should be avoided.

Even today, processed foods are more convenient and easier to consume. But eating too much of some processed foods can also be harmful to your health. The processed foods that should be avoided are as follows: instant noodles Just one package of these noodles contains